v0.3.0 Changelog

This update is a little smaller than the v0.2.0 update in terms of content, but it still adds four new births. The changelog includes:

  • Updated Roze's questline. The bat girl Battrice can now be encountered in Floor 1 after completing Roze's quest. Note: There is a bug that prevents old saves from encountering Battrice. This can be fixed by interacting with the letter in Fey's room.
  • Added the second floor of the Dungeon, 2 new monsters can be encountered on this floor.
  • The E Rank rankup battle can now be attempted.
  • Information on all new enemies (excluding Battrice) can be bought from the Veteran Breeder.
  • There are a couple NPCs now wandering the town. I wanted to add more, but there's not enough space for them. We'll likely be redesigning the town in the future.
  • Quick edit: Forgot to mention that monsters in the dungeon have been changed from moving sprites to random encounters.

Now I'm going to address the idea of multiples pregnancies and larger sizes. Put simply, we currently do not plan on implementing multiples pregnancies. Neither me nor Arkone want to deal with the added complexities or complications that multiples add. Maybe some day in the future, when the game has been completed, we will start to slowly add multiples. For now, multiples would only make updates even slower than they already are.

Edit 2: There was a bug with the E Rankup enemy information not being accessible after purchasing it. I've uploaded a hotfix, simply drag and drop the file into the 'data' folder and overwrite the current file.

Get Fey Legacy


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Is there a easy way to beat the scorpions and the wolves?

I'm having a tough time trying to beat those

Found a bug, killing bats on the second floor don't count toward quest completion

correction, the bat hunting quest is completely broken

oh that same for me 

Bug report , buy E Rank  Information from Veteran Breeder but  it dont show up , and dont have Battrice Information  for sale too 

Didn't show up how? Did you buy it and was unable to access it or did it not show up in the shop?

E Rank  Information  , i buy it and was unable to access it and for Battrice Information , it not show up in the shop

Uploaded a hotfix, see the changelog for details.

Deleted 132 days ago

Thanks . info bug get fix 
but i just find another bug , Quest 3 bat hunt not working , kill so many bats but still not count for Quest

(1 edit) (+1)

I only found two birth scenes. How can I find the other two?

monsters seem to no longer appear in the dungeon.

Very practical and good changelog. Straightforward and all. Seems like there is a lot added, given the five points of the update. 

The game is good. I wish luck for the up-coming upgrades to the game, despite the time gap between them.